A Cycle Breakdown: How Your Body Changes Throughout Your Period
If you’re part of the monthly bleed club, you’re no stranger to the rollercoaster ride that your body goes through every month. From cramps to cravings to that post-period energy boost, it’s wild how much you change throughout your cycle. But guess what? It’s actually more predictable than you think. Each phase of your cycle gives you the chance to support your body in different ways—and we’re here to help you lean into the ebbs and flows.
1) Your Period: A Reset
Welcome to day 1—your period. This is when the uterus sheds its lining, and those infamous cramps can hit hard. Your energy is typically low, and rest is the name of the game.
What to do:
Ease the Pain: Cramping can be rough, but applying heat (shoutout to whoever invented the heating pad) can do wonders. Or, if you’re feeling up to it, try some light stretching or yoga to boost blood flow and move that stuck energy.
Herbal Help: Reach for our Ladylike Herbal Tea with red raspberry leaf as a natural cramp reliever.
Rest: This is a time for serious TLC. Skip the hardcore workouts and opt for more gentle movement like a walk—or just nap, guilt-free. Your body needs it!
2) Follicular Phase: High Off of Estrogen
Around day 3, you’ll notice your energy levels start to rise. That’s because estrogen is making its comeback! This is the perfect time for productivity, socializing, and workout gains.
What to do:
Detox Support: To keep symptoms later in the cycle at bay (like PMS), it’s a good idea to support your body’s detox processes now. Our herbal fiber powders bump up your fibre intake and help keep digestion moving smoothly, which is key for eliminating excess hormones.
Sweat it Out: Whether it’s a workout, dance party, or outdoor adventure, get moving and get sweaty—it’ll help your body transition into this new energetic phase after spending a few days on the couch (no judgment).
Dip into the Cold: This phase is the optimal time for cold plunging because your body is at its most resilient. Take a dip and double your energy! Just make sure that you’re finished with the bulk of your bleed.
3) Early Luteal Phase: A Grounded Queen
After you ovulate (around day 14 in a 28-day cycle), progesterone takes center stage, making you feel calmer, more level-headed, and (hopefully) sleeping like a baby. Your body has high hopes for a pregnancy (even if that’s sooooo not happening), so you have “nesting” energy—more grounded in your decisions and seeking deeper connections.
What to do:
Lean into your Intuition: This is the perfect time for reflective practices like meditation, journaling, or simply spending time with yourself. Your inner wisdom is strong right now.
Grab a Snack: You might notice you’re hungrier as your body gears up for the next phase. Honour these hunger cues by adding an extra snack or bigger portion to your meals. Metabolically, you need more calories now than in the first half of your cycle, so doing so will help to maintain your energy.
Get Creative: Lean into creative hobbies – read, paint, knit, sew, write. Journal about your future, make a vision board. You’re the most grounded at this stage in your cycle so you can really express yourself fully and without hesitation.
4) Late Luteal Phase: Solo Time
In the final stretch before your period returns, around 5 days prior, hormone levels drop. You might feel more tired, irritable, and introspective. It’s also when PMS symptoms tend to rear their head.
What to do:
Balance Blood Sugar: Keep your energy steady by focusing on balanced meals with a good mix of protein, fats, and fibre. Our fibre products can help keep things on track, especially the Flow Herbal Fibre Powder that's formulated with your flow in mind.
Self-care is Key: This is your “me time” phase. You’re naturally more introverted and in need of time by yourself. It’s okay to say no to social events and prioritize winding down with a good book, a warm bath, or an early bedtime.
Stay Grounded: Sipping on a calming tea like our Rest + Digest Herbal Tea can help you find that peaceful, grounded energy when everything feels a little too much.
You don’t have to be caught off guard by your cyclical experience. Understanding these phases can help you make the most of your energy highs, give yourself grace during the lows, and nurture your body all month long. If you haven’t yet, start tracking your period cycle with an app or our Period Tracking Chart. And if your cycle is irregular, or particularly bothersome, work with a qualified healthcare professional to uncover any imbalances that may have you feeling out of whack. Your cycle can be an insightful journey if you work with it, instead of against it. Identifying your own ebbs and flows is a great first step.