flow bundle
stabilize the reactive mind • soothe menstrual cramps • relieve premenstrual discomfort
Combine the power of the Wellish™ herbal fibre supplement powder with one of our therapeutic tea blend.
stabilize the reactive mind • soothe menstrual cramps • relieve premenstrual discomfort
Combine the power of the Wellish™ herbal fibre supplement powder with one of our therapeutic tea blend.
stabilize the reactive mind • soothe menstrual cramps • relieve premenstrual discomfort
Combine the power of the Wellish™ herbal fibre supplement powder with one of our therapeutic tea blend.
Wellish™ FLOW Herbal Fibre Supplement Powder
relieve | comfort | ease
Source of fibre + powered by plants
Wellish™ herbal fibre supplement powders support overall well-being + optimal digestion.
Key ingredients include:
Adaptogenic herbs to relieve premenstrual discomfort + irritability
Oat fibre providing 3g of insoluble fibre for healthy, regular bowel movements and detoxification
Use to: calm the reactive mind, relieve tension + relax during your monthly flow
Ladylike Therapeutic Tea Blend
soothes menstrual cramps • balances cycle irregularities • stabilizes mood fluctuations
Ingredients: red raspberry leaf, oat straw, ginger root, vitex (chaste) berries, nettle leaf
Feels: grounding, balancing, mellow
Tastes: mildly earthy with warm notes