tea bundle
Support your mental well-being throughout your menstrual cycle with our therapeutic tea blends - rest + digest and ladylike.
Support your mental well-being throughout your menstrual cycle with our therapeutic tea blends - rest + digest and ladylike.
Support your mental well-being throughout your menstrual cycle with our therapeutic tea blends - rest + digest and ladylike.
Rest + Digest Therapeutic Tea Blends
calms the mind • soothes the gut • relieves nervous tension
Ingredients: linden flower and leaf, rose petals, fennel seeds, orange peel, calendula petals, cornflower
Feels: uplifting, comforting, like a warm hug
Tastes: delicate & floral with a hint of sweetness
Ladylike Therapeutic Tea Blend
soothes menstrual cramps • balances cycle irregularities • stabilizes mood fluctuations
Ingredients: red raspberry leaf, oat straw, ginger root, vitex (chaste) berries, nettle leaf
Feels: grounding, balancing, mellow
Tastes: mildly earthy with warm notes